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1705. jpckgfkz   (13.08.2012 08:18)
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1701. optimasimage   (12.08.2012 19:55)
Making Creating Computer Icons Into a Family Activity!

oYu''ve had a bad day at work - a really bad day at work. You hvae one month to create a brand news computer icon for a project that''s been going on for years. The project is awesome - never before seen coding, lots of special features. Naturally, they want the best icon that they can have!So the question is - how exactly do you manage to get this from point a to point b, without getting completely and utterly stressed out and being in need of an extension on the project deadline? Welll, first of all, you have to understand that you don''t hve to do all of thisa work by yourself...in fact, you can nelist the help of your family!First of all, have everyone think of ideas for an icon- and create the most popular ones without color. Sounds good so far, hguh? Let them know that you want a really simpple icon that doesn''t have a bunch of stuff going o! Kids are great at really simple designs - you won''t have to worry about a really young child coming upwith something they deem to be "revolutionary!" And if you really want, it''s easier to convince them to let you change one little thing in their design to make it better!Next, blow up and pint out your computer icons as coloring pages and sit dowsn and color with them. Try and point everyoen towards certain colors, but don''t omit the rainbow just because your company mainly embraces thoes two colors. It''ll give yuo a better idea of other colors that you can incorporate.Now it''s time to start pulling out the icon editors - have your family, one by one, sit with you with each of their icon ideas and have thsm give you instructions for designing their icon. Older kids may want to play with the icon editores themselves - if you trust them not to accidsntally mess anything up, allow them to. It gies you a break and more of a chance to check things over. Try and give everyone a cahnce.Keep in mind that if you aren''t really much of an artsit that there are plenty of libraries cotnaining free images that you can use without being sued for copyright. This might take some time, but keep in mind that you have a lot of photos to use - even if youhave to go through each library and decide what exactly you plan on usinb.If you have to rpesent many ieas, go from here. You don''t necessarily have to give your family credit (although it is kind of cute. However, if your boss will find it unprofessioonal, it''s best to keep this injformatiin to yourself), but it''s a nice idea. Taks your time to give an explanation of each of the computer icons that you are presenting. Be clear and concise.These are just a few tips for turning what would be aan abnormally boring and stressful prouect creating computer icons into something that you and the whole family can do!

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